Heavy Duty Steel Mobile Cart for Ai 0.9 & 1.9 CF Vacuum Ovens $1,590.00 Large Item ShippingAdd to cart
Ai RapidChill 26 CF -86°C Ultra-Low Upright Freezer UL 110V $12,990.00 Large Item ShippingAdd to cart
250C 26 Shelf Max 16 CF 5 Sided Heating Vacuum Oven 220V ETL $16,990.00 Large Item ShippingAdd to cart
EXTRACTION GRADE™ | 40/40/20 Custom Blend | BUTANE-ISO-PROPANE BLEND | LP-100 or LP-20 | New or Exchange $175.00 – $732.00 Select options
UL/CSA Certified Ai SolventVap 5.3-Gallon/20L Rotary Evaporator w/ Motorized Lift $9,500.00 Large Item ShippingAdd to cart